3 Legal Steps To Take After Your Divorce

Posted on: 23 July 2015

If you are currently going through a divorce, you may be hoping that it will go through quickly so you can move on with your life. You should realize, though, that once it's complete, there may still be a few legal steps you must take to protect yourself and your assets. Here are three additional legal steps you may need to take after your divorce is finalized. Create a new will
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Suprising Times When The Average Canadian Might Need A Drug Offence Lawyer

Posted on: 30 June 2015

The use of marijuana is relatively high in Canada. According to statistics compiled by the Minister of Health, around 40% of Canadians have used marijuana at some point in their lifetimes. With numbers this high, it is wise for the average person to have knowledge of the trouble that can arise in association with the drug. Though it is common to assume that smoking marijuana is not a serious matter, the act is still illegal, except for those with medicinal licenses who the Supreme Court of Canada says have a right to use the drug.
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How A Criminal Defence Lawyer Can Help In Drug Related Cases

Posted on: 8 June 2015

Are you being charged with a drug offence, and need a criminal defence lawyer to help you? Before hiring a criminal defence lawyer, take the time to find out what they can do for you. This will ensure that you can hire a lawyer who you can take full advantage of in your predicament. With that thought in mind, here are the top things that a criminal defence lawyer can help you with in a drug offence case:
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3 Ways an Estate Planning Attorney Can Help You

Posted on: 14 May 2015

If you are an adult  in Canada with any assets or preferences for your final arrangements, it is crucial to write a will. As a legal, binding document, your will allows you the final say in dispersing your assets and by extension, provides for your loved ones long after your death. In addition, it also provides you with the unique opportunity to protect your loved ones from the indignities of going through probate and pleading with a judge to get the money and property they are entitled to.
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