Two Times When Miranda Violations Are Ignored

Posted on: 1 October 2020

Fictional media has often portrayed that police and prosecutors can't use anything a defendant may say against the defendant if the police don't read them their Miranda rights before interrogating them. However, Miranda law is full of exceptions to the rule, and here are two times when your statement can be used in court even if police neglect Miranda laws. When Tangible Evidence is Involved Generally, statements you make after a Miranda violation aren't admissible in court.
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Two Examples Of How You're Protected If You're A Whistleblower

Posted on: 25 August 2020

Do you see something wrong that is being done by your employer, and you feel the need to speak up and be a whistleblower about the situation? If so, you may be worried about being fired in retaliation for speaking up. Here are a few real world examples of how you will be protected for doing the right thing. You Being Told To Break The Law You may find yourself in a situation where you are being forced to break the law and do not want to do so.
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Why It's Nearly Impossible To Stop A Divorce

Posted on: 29 June 2020

It's not uncommon during a divorce for one party to be a bit more ready to part ways than the other. This can lead to questions about how it might be possible to stop the divorce. The simplest answer is that it is virtually impossible to stop a divorce if at least one partner is just flat-out done with the marriage. It's a fair question to ask why divorce law works this way, so take a look.
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Filing A Negligence Lawsuit: What Steps You Should Take

Posted on: 29 June 2020

When an individual gets injured due to another individual's intentional malice or recklessness, that injured individual has the right to pursue compensation. In a number of cases, insurance will cover the injuries that you sustained. If this is indeed the case, the insurance will cover the monetary damages without you needing to file a negligence lawsuit. Obviously, this is the outcome that most people would prefer. However, insurance companies can often make it difficult to agree on a number that will cover all of the costs that you have.
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