• Intracranial Hemorrhage At Birth: Natural Complication Or Medical Negligence?

    Intracranial hemorrhage is defined as bleeding that occurs in or around the brain, and it occurs when one or more blood vessels ruptures, allowing blood to leak into the surrounding tissues. In adults, intracranial hemorrhage usually occurs due to some type of trauma; for example, a person who hits his head on the steering wheel during a car accident might sustain this type of injury. Intracranial hemorrhage can also occur in newborns, especially if an obstetrician applies excessive force to the head when delivering a baby.
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  • 4 Must-To Tasks After You've Been In A Motorcycle Accident

    If you have been in a motorcycle crash and are reading this, then you are lucky. As you probably already know, many people do not survive motorcycle accidents, and the fact that you did puts you in a unique position. You probably don't have a lot of friends who have crashed and survived, so you may not have a lot of resources as far as determining what to do after the accident.
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  • Three Reasons Why You Might Accept A Plea In A DUI Case

    A DUI can feel like a major mistake once you are charged. If you are charged with a DUI and you need to go to court, you will need to hire a DUI defense attorney quickly. Once you have secured bail and an attorney, the next steps are to figure out just what will happen with your case. If the DUI is your first DUI and your first major offense, chances are you will be offered a plea deal by the prosecutor in the case.
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  • 3 Major Issues Concerning Immigration And Family Law

    If you are thinking about having a child, or have already had a child, with someone that has immigrated to the United States from another country, you need to be aware of some of the major issues this could cause. To best protect yourself and your child, it is best to acquaint yourself with some of the family laws when there is an immigrant involved. Here are three major issues concerning immigration and family law:
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  • Talking To The Police After A Car Accident

    Vehicle collisions are, unfortunately, very common today. The average driver will be involved in a car crash about every 17.9 years, which means that you are likely to have some type of fender bender at least once during your life. With odds like these, it makes sense to prepare yourself properly, just in case. After a car accident, one of the first things you'll have to do is talk to the police.
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