Eye Conditions Can Sometimes Qualify You For SSDI Benefits
Posted on: 29 December 2020
You don't have to be completely blind to qualify for Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits. There are various eye conditions that can qualify you for SSDI benefits, and you may also be able to prove that your condition, while it doesn't specifically qualify, should entitle you to benefits. Get started by contacting a Social Security Disability law attorney.
Conditions That Might Qualify You for SSDI Benefits
If you are considered to be legally blind, you may be entitled to benefits if you are not able to retrain to find suitable work that can accommodate your condition. It must be impossible for your vision to be improved past 20/200 in your best eye.
You may only have partial eyesight and be unable to work as a result. You may suffer from cataracts that are resistant to treatment. You may suffer from macular degeneration and find it difficult to identify faces and read. Some of these conditions are temporary, though, and your doctor will need to believe that you will be suffering from this condition for 12 months or more.
What to Do
The first step to take should be to receive an examination from a healthcare provider, even if you believe you cannot afford it. You must provide substantial medical evidence that you are suffering from the condition that you are attempting to seek SSDI benefits for. If you are not sure if you have enough medical documents to prove your case, make sure to consult with an attorney.
You may not be suffering from one of the qualifying conditions, but you may still believe that you have an eye condition that makes it impossible for you to work. If this is the case, you will want to bring this up with your Social Security Disability attorney. There may be arguments you can make that can get you approved if your case must go to a hearing, but you'll need the assistance of an attorney to help with your case.
Your Hearing
Before your hearing, you will be able to submit a request online for reconsideration if the Social Security Administration (SSA) believes that you are not disabled enough due to your eye condition. If you are not approved after this step, speak to your attorney about your hearing. Your attorney will be able to prepare you for the hearing and will also represent you even if you are not able to attend.