Securing Your Interests Through Engagement In Your Case - Questions For Your Disability Attorney
Posted on: 10 May 2017
Finding yourself in a situation where you're unable to work to support yourself can be incredibly stressful. Though Social Security was set up to provide disability payments to people in that situation, you might find yourself fighting the government for access to the benefits you deserve. That fight can seem endlessly difficult without taking steps to have someone on your side.
Hiring a disability attorney is the best way to navigate the claims process, but you need to make sure all of your bases are covered. Below, you'll find a guide to some questions you should be sure to ask of your social security disability lawyer in order to be sure that your interests are being fully protected.
Ask About Medical Exams
The central issue in a disability hearing is whether or not your medical condition is so severe as to prevent you from leading a productive life. Even if your regular physician has made that determination, it's possible that some diagnoses may be challenged if there's a question of bias.
Your lawyer may want you to get a second or even third opinion on some issues and can point you toward a doctor who can assist with those exams. Additional documentation and verification of your limitations can be very important in driving home the point that you're suffering from a serious injury.
Ask About Part Time Work
Some people may not find disability payments to be sufficient to cover their financial needs. In those cases, seeking out a part time or temporary position can be a great way to fill in the gaps and guarantee that you're properly cared for. Unfortunately, the government may perceive that part time work as a sign that your disability is not severe.
Be sure to consult with your attorney before taking any paid position. Verifying that a job isn't affected by your injury but also isn't enough to live on can be difficult, and your lawyer will be able to guide you through that process.
Ask About A Timeframe
If your benefits are being challenged, it may feel like the world has stopped spinning. When your financial future is in jeopardy, all of your other concerns may be secondary and the stress can build to intolerable levels. While every case is different, your lawyer will be able to provide you with a rough estimate of a potential timeframe. By having this estimate in mind, you can allow yourself to calmly ride the process out until you reach your desired outcome.
For more advice, talk to a social security disability attorney like Timothy W Hudson Attorney.